Index of Photos Appearing
on this Web Site- Page 2
This page contains a  list of some of the photos
appearing on this web site.  Click the Photo Title and
go to that photo or image.
UR HERE:  Photo Index- Page 1> Photo Index- Page 2
* 63rd Division troops celebrate activation day with Red Cross girls.
* Mortar Platoon, D Company, 254th Infantry (three (3) Photos)
* Mortar Platoon, D Company 254th Infantry (three (3) Photos) * G/254th Inf in
Crailsheim, Germany
* 253rd Infantry production of Carmen " A Boilesk Voishen"
* 1st Plat C/253rd Infantry- At the "Ole Swimming hole" Tauberbischofsheim,
* C/253rd Infantry- Chow time- Wertheim, Germany
* 1st Plat, C/253rd Infantry  (Two photos) Wertheim Germany
* lst Squad, 1st Platoon, C/253rd Infantry- Germany
* C/253rd Infantry - Two (2) Photos in Germany
* Brown Nosers Card- 1st Bn/253rd Infantry
* 1st Platoon, C Company 253rd Infantry Germany
* Photos of Jewish Chaplain Kahan Hq 63rd Div and Hq 254th Infantry-Bad
* 63rd Infantry Division Field Meet, Kunzelau, Germany
* 4th Plat L Company, 253rd Infantry- Wertheim, Germany May 45
* Antitank Company 253rd Infantry- on leave in London
* A Company, 254th Infantry- Germany two (2) photos
* 63rd Infantry Division soldiers lower flag to half-staff- Bad Mergentheim, Germany
* G Company 254th Infantry- Five (5 ) Photos
* 63rd MP Company- Germany
* 563rd Signal Company- Three (3) photos
* E Company 253rd Infantry- Germany
* MG Hibbs and 254th Inf Officers- Bad Mergentheim, Germany 15 Jun 45
* I Company, 254th Infantry- Hamburg am Main Jul 45
* I Company, 254th Infantry- 1st Sergeant
* I Company 254th Infantry- Germany
* H Company, 254th Infantry in Bad Mergentheim
* E Company, 254th Infantry- Fifteen (15) photos from Geislinger, Groningen and
* Mortar Platoon D Company, 254th Infantry Germany May 45
* Med Det 255th Infantry- Jet Pilot
* 3rd Bn, 255th Infantry Officers Jun 45
* 563rd Signal Company- "Local"
* Quarters for Hq 253rd Inf in Bad Mergentheim, Germany, 1945
* Quarters for D Co 254th Infantry, German village 1945
* Headquarters 861st FA Bn
* Hq Btry, 861st FA Bn soldiers
* Hq Btry 861st FA Bn soldiers on a break
* Road side Speed Limit Signs
* FA Battery ready to fire
* #1 Gun, FA Battery ready to fire * German Army camp
* Hq Btry, 861st Motor Pool
* #3 Gun fires round
* Chow Call in the field
* Hq Btry 861st men in quarters
* Photo of entrance to Camp Herbert A Loree
* Dining at the Ritz- Hq Btry 861st FA Bn
* Several Photos of Soldiers from Hq 2d Battalion, 254th Infantry
*  Mullins and Padilla from I Company 254th Infantry
*  Cpl Gold AT 253rd Inf
*  Cpl Gold with friend, AT 253rd Inf
*  Cpl Gold with friends AT 253rd Inf
*  Hq 253rd Infantry in Wertheim
*  Brian Keller A Company 254th Infantry
*  John Graves H Company 255th Infantry
*  Capt Restani, A Company 254th Infantry
*  G Company 253d Infantry Soldiers
*  H Company 255th Infantry Soldiers
*  Antitank, Hq Co 2d Bn 253d Infantry Soldiers
*  254th Infantry Soldiers
*  Speranza E Company 254th Infantry
*  Frenett and Pferdeort- 254th Infantry
*  Grobe, I Company 254th Infantry
*  A Company 255th Infantry Soldiers
*  255th Infantry soldiers
*  Mattrson, A Company 254th Infantry
*  63d Infantry soldier with children
*  D Company 255th Infantry soldiers
*  255th Infantry soldiers
*  Baker 363d Med Bn
*  Needham Service Company, 255th Infantry
*  Heilbron after WWII
*  C Btry, 718th FA Wire Section
*  Perry Mayo, Hq 254th Infantry
*  Radio team, Hq 254th Infantry in Rothenburg, Germany
*  Various photos relating to personnel in 1st Bn, 254th Infantry-Page 16
*  Various photos relating to personnel in 1st Bn, 254th Infantry- Page 17
*  Various photos relating to personnel in 1st Bn, 254th Infantry- Page 18
*  Various photos relating to personnel in 1st Bn 254th Infantry - Page 19
*  Various photos relating to personnel in 1st Bn ,254th Infantry- Page 20
*  Various photos relating to personnel in D Company 255th Infantry- Page 21
*  Herb Behrens Hq Co 2d Bn 253d Infantry
*  Sgt Betts, Antitank Plat 2d Bn 253th Infantry
*  Shorty Myers at Hitler's Bunker
*  S/Sgt Ralph Cerasuolo Memorial Field
*  Shorty Myers in Wurzburg, Germany
*  Soldiers of Hq Co 2d Bn 253d Inf
*  Several view of the 253d Infantry Regiment production of Carmen- A Boilesk
*  Battery photo of Sv Battery, 718th FA Bn in Ingersheim, Germany Jul 45
*  Photos relating to the 563d Sig Co
*  Photos relating to B Company 255th Inf
*  Photos relating to G Company 254th Inf
*  Eastwood and Kretschmer hosting Red Cross Volunteers- Igersheim C/263d Engr
*  Styles with German youth- Igersheim C/263d Engr
*  Styles drilling platoon soldiers C/263d Engr
*  Anderson Bowl in honor of S/Sgt James Anderson KIA C/263d Engr
*  Zimmerman and Styles C/263d Engr on leave in Brussels
*  Second Plat personnel C/263d Engr on leave in Brussels
* Photos of German Aircraft on the ground
*  Nine (9) photos of A Company 363d Medical Battalion
*  Six (6) photos of Hq Co 2d Bn 253d Infantry Regiment
*  M Co 254th Inf- Schwade and Jancy- Germany 1945
*  Ingrid Bergman, Actress in Germany 1945
*  Jack Benny, Entertainer in Germany 1945
*  E Co 253d Inf soldiers in Germany 1945 (14 photos)
*  G Co 253d Inf soldiers in Germany 1945 (6 photos)
*  2d Bn, 253d Inf - Hq Buildings and billets- Germany 1945 (5 photos)
*  Soldiers 861st FA Bn
*  Hudson, F Company 255th Infantry
*  A&P Platoon Hq 1st Bn 253d Infantry (3 photos)
*  Anderson  B Company 255th Infantry (2 photos)
*  Soldiers A Company 255th Infantry
*  Hq Co 254th Infantry (6 photos)
*  Hq Co 1st Bn 253d Infantry (3 photos)
*  263d Engr Bn, (8 photos)
* 255th Infantry Regiment (2 photos)
*  E Co 253d Infantry Regiment
*  AT Company 254th Infantry Regiment
*  63rd Band- 12 photos
*  Marlene Dietrich, Actress
*  63rd Band- 12 photos
*  Martha Tilton- Singer with Jack Benny Show
*  Hq 63d Inf Div Soldiers- (7 photos)
*  Schiffman, Hq 3d Bn 255th Infantry
*  Hq 63rd Inf Div (7 photos)
*  E Company 253d Infantry Regiment (4 photos)
*  Hq Co 63rd Inf Div
*  H Company 253d Infantry Regiment
*  F Company 254th Infantry Regiment (6 photos)
*  D Company 254th Infantry Regiment (2 photos)
*  Mrs Roosevelt in Germany
*  M Company 254th Infantry Regiment
*  K Company 253d Infantry Regiment
*  253d Infantry Regiment members- Carmen Cast
*  Hq Co 63rd Inf Div (4 photos)
*  I Company 255th Infantry Regiment (6 photos)
*  I Company 255th Infantry Regiment (6 photos)
*  63rd Division Band (2 photos)
*  63rd Recon Trp (18 photos)
*  563d Signal Company (4 photos)
*  Stars and Stripes last edition in Paris
*  WWII European travel pamphlets
*  L Company 255th Infantry Regiment (3 photos)
*  H Company 255th Infantry Regiment (2 photos)
*  63rd Division Band
*  763rd Ord Company
*  Hq 1st Bn 255th Infantry Regiment- letter from MG Hibbs.
*  F Company 253d Infantry Regiment (10 photos)
*  B Btry 863d FA Bn (3 photos)
*  M Company 254th Infantry Regiment
*  A Company 254th Infantry Regiment (9 photos)
*  Hq Btry 863rd FA Bn
*  254th troops in Berlin-1945
*  Kaiser Wilhelm Church, Berlin, Germany 1945
*  63d Infantry troops in Berlin 1945
*  63rd Military Police Platoon in Germany 1945
*  BG Harris presents PUC to 254th Infantry Regiment Germany 1945 (2 photos)
*  Tauberbischofsheim Schloss "February Flophouse" Germany 1945
*  Requisition for German house, Tauberbischofsheim, Germany 1945
*  D/254th Inf
*  G/255th Inf
*  Hq 254th Inf
*  I/253d Inf
*  63rd Inf Boxing Match
*  Hq 1st Bn 255th Inf (7 photos)
*  Hq 863d FA Bn (6 Photos)
*  3d Plat, E/255th Inf (6 Photos)
*  3d Plat, E/255th Inf (15 Photos)
*  Hq 861st FA Bn (11 Photos)
*  I/253d Inf (8 Photos)
*  C/254th Inf (14 Photos)
*  M/255th Inf (14 Photos)
*  M/255th Inf (12 Photos)
*  Pfc Mahoney F/255th Inf
*  563d Sig Co (2 Photos)
*  Lt Smith, 2d Bn 255th Inf (7 Photos)
*  Hq Co 2d Bn 254th Inf Wickersheim, Germany
*  Pfc Tharp A/363d Med Bn
*  AT/255th Inf- (3 Photos)
*  254th Inf Regt
*  253rd Inf Regt (2 photos)
*  254th Inf Regt (6 photos)
*  255th Inf Regt (2 photos)
*  563d Sig Co (3 photos)
*  861st FA Bn (2 photos)
*  363d Med Bn
*  363d Med Bn
*  563d Sig Co (7 photos)
*  Protestant Church Program- 63d Inf Div
*  D/254th Inf  Regt(14 photos in Berlin)
*  K/253d Inf Regt
*  253d Inf Regt (15 photos)
*  254th Inf Regt
*  Hq Div Arty
*  255th Inf Regt (3 photos)
*  Hq 63d Inf Div (2 photos)
*  563d Sig Co (23 photos)
*  254th Inf Regt (3 photos)
*  255th Inf Regt (3 Photos)
*  Division Artillery (6 pages of photos)
*  255th Inf Regt (10 Photos)
*  63rd Recon Trp (1 photo)
*  !/254th Inf Regt (3 Photos)
*  B/263d Engr- Coughlin
*  563d Sig Co (2 photos)
*  G/255th Inf Regt (5 photos)
*  A/363d Med- Pinkham (3 photos)
*  F/253d Inf Regt (2 photos)
* Congelosi, L&F, 255th Inf Regt
* Taylor- Hq Btry 718th FA- (2 photos)
*- Hq Btry 862d FA
* Hq Div Arty (2 photos)
* 254th Inf Regt
* C Company, 254th Inf Regt
* C Company, 253d Inf Regt (4 photos)
* D Company, 254th Inf Regt
* G Company, 254th Inf Regt (5 photos)
* C Btry, 863d FA (8 photos)
* A Company, 254th Inf Regt
* C Btry, 718th FA
* B/263d Engr Bn- 6 photos
* C Btry, 863d FA - 14 photos
* B Btry, 718th FA-  3 photos
* D/254th Inf Regt- 3 photos
* G/255th Inf Regt
* Medical Detachment, 863d FA Bn- 2 photos
* Med Det 863d FA Bn- Van Pentz
* M Co 254th Inf Regt- Bird
* D Co 254th Inf Regt- Piontek
* Hq Btry, 862d FA Bn- Fowle
* Anti Tank, 253d Inf Regt- Petricciani- 4 photos
* F Co 255th Inf Regt- Mahoney- 3 photos
* L Co 254th Inf Regt- Hayes- 3 photos
* B Btry 718th FA Bn- English- 2 photos
* Hq Div Arty and 718th FA Bn
* Hq Co 1st Bn 253d Inf Regt- Buckner and others
* B Co 363d Med Bn
* 63d Recon- Fisher
* C Co 253d Inf Regt- 25 photos
* Hq Co, 1st Bn 253d Inf Regt- Buckner and others -31 photos
* Hq Co 1st Bn 253d Inf Regt- Buckner and others- 31 photos
* K Co, 253d Inf Regt- Exeter and others - 3 photos
* C Btry, 861st FA Bn- Tompkins
* 254th Inf Regt- 15 photos
* 254th Inf Regt- 18 photos
* Hq Btry 718th FA Bn- Mans
* 63d Recon- Fisher
* F Co 255th Inf Regt- Huether
* Hq 63d Inf Div- Holts
* L Co 253d Inf Regt- Weber
* 263d Engr Bn- 28 photos
* G Co 255th Inf Regt- Perry
Photos appearing in the "The 63rd Infantry Division on
Occupation Duty
"  Section
Photos appearing in the "Tour of Camp Van Dorn" Section.
* Camp Highway Marker
* Cover Page and Flag Pole
* History of Camp Van Dorn
* Main Headquarters Buildings
* Troops arriving at Camp Van Dorn and barracks life
* Signal Corps in the field
* Training Courses
* Post Service Buildings
* USO entertainment
* Post facilities
* Post Hospital
* Rifle Training
* Engineer Training
* Combat Courses
* Artillery Training
* Individual Training
* Rifle practice
* Map of Camp Van Dorn
* Thanksgiving 1944 at 718th FA Bn
* Camp Scenes
* More Camp Scenes
* View of Camp after it closed
* Revisiting Camp Van Dorn 1981
* 63rd MP Barracks and Road scene
Photos appearing on the "254th Infantry Regiment" Page
* D Company, 254th Infantry - Two (2) Photos
* Battle of Jebsheim- Bunker Photos (2)
* Chaplain's Office, 254th Infantry (three (3) photos)
* Sv Company, 254th Infantry * Med Det, 254th Infantry
* T/5 Carchio Med Det 254th Infantry
*  Pfc Kawecki, Hq 1st Bn 254th Infantry
Photos appearing on the "253rd Infantry Regiment" Page
Sgt John Crews- Medal of Honor Recipient
Photos appearing on the "255th Infantry Regiment" Page
* The Battle of Waldenburg, Germany
* Capt Robert Young, DSC recipient.
Photos appearing on the "Division Artillery" Page
* 1lt James Robinson, 861st FA, Medal of Honor Recipient
Photos appearing on the "Special Troops" Page

* 63rd Infantry Division Ranger Platoon- Fred Clinton
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